Air Circulation
Pegasus barns are specially designed for continuous air circulation to provide the finest air quality for our horses. Fresh air is drawn in from outside, circulated through the barn, and up to the peak of the roof. It is there special ventilation carries the stale air out of the building. Each individual stall has an exterior door that can be partially or fully opened to adjust the amount of air flow to maximize air quality.
Rubber Brick
Rubber brick flooring is used around Pegasus anywhere horses travel to create the safest environment possible. It provides horses with greater traction than traditional surfaces, like concrete or matting, which can cause slipping and lead to injury. There is also an added sound absorbing benefit to this surface.

Fire Prevention
There is no smoking on Pegasus property. In case of a fire, Pegasus has a technologically advanced system in place to suppress the fire. Sensors are located throughout the barns and buildings to automatically activate the sprinklers when heat is detected. The system is monitored remotely and if activated, notifies the local authorities.
Scales placed in the barns track the weight of the horses. Tracking a horse’s weight gain or loss allows us to adjust the horse’s feed and nutrition as necessary. They also aid in establishing the most efficient racing weight for an individual. Additionally, scales monitor recovery rates, effectiveness of treatments, and ensure healthy foal growth rate.

Pegasus stalls are designed to maximize horse safety and comfort. Each stall is 12’ x 12’ and has doors constructed of the highest quality metals with a yoke opening in the front door. The outside door allows for cross ventilation and provides a direct exit in case of emergency.
The flooring is the SoftStall™ flooring system which is made of rubber filled mattresses. This high tech mattress seals to the stall walls leaving the surface beneath completely covered. The cushion provides a springy feel underneath the horse which is beneficial in supporting the horse’s joints, tendons and ligaments. The non-abrasive covering provides comfort while resting and significant improvement in flexibility and movement.
Insect Control
For the maximum health and safety of our horses, Pegasus utilizes the Pyranha SprayMasters™ system in each barn to eliminate biting insects and pesky flies. This state-of-the-art system is operated by a one-half horsepower electric motor-driven pump which releases a very fine mist of insecticide through properly placed spray nozzles. The amount and timing of the spray intervals can be adjusted based on the environment.